Friday, April 29, 2011

I think I'm ready to open this can o'worms

I've had many people ask about the events that took place in Germany this year. I've been too angry to talk about it but in prior years, I've had only good things to say. Now I'm going to give my account/opinion of the so-called "2011 World Championships."

Over the next few blogs I'll lay out what happened as well as post pictures to prove my points and help you understand the alliances and connect the dots between the key players and what it is that they are trying to do.

So hold on to your hats, this shit is going to blow your mind.
BTW- these are my "4th" place nails.


  1. Do you have any pics of the Top3?

  2. Yes Emese, I sure do have pics of the top 3 and I'll get those posted soon :)
