Saturday, May 14, 2011

Can o'worms- preface

Before I can dish the dirt, I have to give you some info.

First of all, I have been competing for almost 6 years straight. I hadn't missed a competition in the states until the ISSE Midwest show just this past March, 2011 for those of you from the future. And in those six years, I made substantial gains in "eyeball" skills.

What are "eyeball" skills you ask? Eyeball skills are where you can walk the model line up looking at every set of nails and and just by eyeballing, can pick out the top three sets of nails, if not the winner. What I'm saying is that because I have competed and won so many times, and have studied so many sets of nails (winning or not) that I no longer have to study the nails to determine whether it is a winning set or not. I can eyeball it. But, of course, if I was assigning a score to that set of nails I would study, (and do when I judge) as I would expect every judge to study them. And every competitor that does not place 1st in any competition should also study the winning nails to see why they didn't win. Ok? Ok.

Second, you don't get to my position in the competition world without butting heads with people. Not only can I talk the talk, but I can walk the walk. And I can see bullshit when it arises and I'm not afraid to call it as such either. I'm not afraid to challenge discrepancies or be a thorn in the judges or directors sides and make them follow their own rules....

While I'm at this point, let me add that the reason I chose to call this blog my "Revolution" is precisely the reasons that I stated above. Large parts of our nail industry need a 180 degree turn around. And the only way that that can happen is for manicurists like you and me to be our own advocates and make the changes. We have a duty to ourselves and our fellow manicurists to identify problems, call them out and if we have the ability to effect change, then we have the obligation to effect change.

Those who can, must.

In other words, if we turn a blind eye to corruption because we are afraid of what we'll get (like being black balled) then we only get corruption. In the words of Leann Smith-Henderson: "If there is any doubt, then there is no doubt" that something is wrong and it's up to us to make the Revolutionize the industry.

Third. You don't gather as many 1st place trophies as I have without developing some technical skills along the way. I have yet to see anyone that has the control over products and tools that I have. Even the so-called godfather can't control a file in competition like I can. But that is a whole 'nother story. Now I know that it sounds like my ego is talking here, and I don't mean for it to be like that...I'm just sayin'.

But if there happens to be any doubt about my control, you can check out my youtube videos:  where you can watch me handle an electric file, hand file and acrylic like nobodies business.  <---- Ok. That was my ego :)

So now that you have the supporting facts and info, we can move on to the good stuff.

Happy reading,

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